Saturday, April 26, 2008

Jim Crow.....What an Awful, Awful Fella

I am reading the book "Remembering Jim Crow" which is part of the Duke University Behind the Veil Project. The separate but equal laws made it very hard for The Gospel Highway travelers to have any amount of dignity or self expression. These artists were taught to do what the white man said and do what he told you to do, especially the police. No African American was safe from these laws, not even the quartets of The Gospel Highway.

Mahalia Jackson once said, " I can be Queen of the stage while playing, but when we finish I still have to go back to the jungle."

Jimmy Carter of The Blind Boys of Alabama said," We just let 'em say what they wass gonna say and do what they was gonna do, cause if we fought back it would have been worser then."

Jim Crow finally left our country in 1964 thanks to the Civil Rights Act and Martin Luther King, Jr.


P.S. He can still be seen in the very rural south and some urban areas of the south- just be very careful.