Friday, February 15, 2008

Mike Farris...Salvation In Lights....PRAISE GOD!!!!!

Folks, go immediately to and check out his Salvation In Lights cd. Let me tell you, this man is THE REAL DEAL. Old time gospel the way gospel was meant to sound. The song "Streets of Galilee" should not only be nominated for a Grammy, but should win hands down for Best Gospel Song. Here is a little background about Mike Farris.

From his website bio at "I finally said, 'I think it's time for me to take those traditional, turn-of-the-century songs and add these things I'm writing that sound like that, and just go with it; this is what I want to do,'" he says. "It became real clear to me."

Now, original songs like "Devil Don't Sleep" and "Streets of Gallilee" serve as much as to remind Farris of where he's been as they do to encourage his listeners. By doing so, they forge a bond between audience and performer, even as they connect him to a rich tradition of spirituality that runs through American folk, gospel, soul and rock.

"If not for the grace of God I would surely be dead or wishing I were dead." Farris says. "My life is a testament that God has an unique and special place for everyone. God will use people no matter how tattered and torn. Just surrender to His love and trust in His grace."

Let me tell ya my brothers and sisters as long as Mike Farris is traveling The Gospel Highway it will never shut down.

Now next week A little about The Dixie Hummingbirds,

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